Welcome to The Seven Appointments of the LORD!! 

We are excited that you are interested in studying The Seven Appointments of the LORD. Our hope and prayer is that you will find it to be an exciting journey that will help tie together the Old and New Testaments in ways that, perhaps, you have never seen before. 

Learning about these Appointments (also known as the Feasts) and how they apply to us today as followers of Jesus (“Yehoshua” in Hebrew) has brought a new richness and depth to our application and understanding of the whole of Scripture.  Our desire is to share that with you.

For example:  Did you know that Jesus, our Passover Lamb, died at the exact same time that the lambs were being sacrificed in the Temple and on the exact same day, 1500 years earlier, that the Israelites killed the Passover lamb to put the blood on the doorposts so that they would be saved from the angel of death?

Is that just a coincidence, or was it what we call a "co-Incident" – an incident, planned by God, from Eternity past, to show His Hand in human history....?  We will let you decide.

We are so very thankful for the heartfelt encouragement and prayer support that we have received from so many friends and family as they have walked through this journey with us these last 6 years.  We thank our LORD and Savior for His guidance as He has truly shown us what it looks like to walk by faith.  We want to make special mention and acknowledge the work done by Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries who first helped us, after the Spirit pointed the way, to begin to connect the dots.

As you follow along with this study, we hope to illustrate how these Appointments actually outline the LORD's Progressive Plan of Redemption for all mankind through the work of Yehoshua - past, present and future – and how He is revealing His plan in His perfect timing.

Enjoy your journey!

            Karen Engle
Becky Elisher